Hi Shiran,
Appreciate your work here. This is really helpful for someone starting to get hands-on with GKE.
I am just adding the following notes here since there have been some updates to the Kubernetes APIs. The wso2apim-deployment.yaml file is required to be updated as follows.
1. 'apiVersion' was required to be changed as apps/v1 (because extensions is not supporting 'Deployment' Kind). This can be validated through ' kubectl api-resources' by checking 'APIVERSION' details.
2. With the above update to the 'apiVersion', 'spec.selector' was required to be added to map the ' template.metadata.labels' as follows.
deployment: wso2apim
Apart from the above, there have been some UI changes in the Google Cloud console which can be figured out by spending a few minutes.
Great work to inspire someone. Cheers, Thanks.